Sunday 5 May 2013


Hi all, sorry we have been quiet for a few weeks, but of course, we are always busy. We have recently started a little business hoping to make some extra money and open the place up to people who appreciate a simpler way of holidaying.
We have got some new windows and doors installed...this is the first work that has been commisioned and not souly created by Ian. They are hand made and have been painted using traditional Linseed paint in funky Sage Green...I love the colour and think they will look great against the whitewashed walls.
They are white on the inside and Sage Green outside..
Real, Professional Conservation workers..Only took us 6 years to get the workmen in..Not bad going. But still plan to do most of the work ourselves.
More pictures to follow in the coming weeks...Promise.

                                            New door last. Another step forward.